Who knows Africa better than us?

Welcome to our community

Imagine a world where North – South collaboration and skills transfer were more optimized to meet the technical skill and development needs of Africa…at Afrisda, we live for this dream.

The SUSTAINABLE development of Africa is at the core of our work. This is centered around the belief that by providing a quality and equitable education to its young and growing population and by empowering women and girls, we have given them the best tools to build the future they can dream possible for themselves and their community.

Advice is a stranger; if he’s welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day.

Malagasy Proverb

Who we are

We are a network of consulting firms made up of talented development experts with experience and knowledge of the African landscape. We work and provide services to potential clients to enhance capacity-building initiatives and strengthen the systems of African national and local organizations and government agencies to deliver sustainable, quality development programs through an innovative approach to human resource management.


Our focus areas

Social Enterprise and Sustainability

We believe opportunities and avenues of self-reliance are limitless in Africa.

Gender Equality and Equity

Unburdening women and girls from traditional disadvantage is essential.

Youth and Women Empowerment

The African future is incomplete without addressing needs of youth and women.

Child Protection

Children are the future, their protection and safety is paramount.

Environment and Climate Change

We are committed to advocate, educate and strengthen actions to mitigate the negative impact of climate change on sustainable development

Global Health

Growth and development require a healthy workforce.

Quality and Equitable Education

Quality education to provide the tools to unlock a future of infinite possibilities.


Our services


Our team of experts provide consulting services in all our intervention areas.


We are experienced in mobilizing project resources from donors such as government agencies, regional organizations, multilaterals, international NGOs, foundations and private sector.

Monitoring & Evaluation

We provide quality monitoring and evaluation services for relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

Program Management

We provide support throughout the project cycle including strategic planning, policy and proposal development, work planning and implementation.

Skills and Knowledge Transfer

We help strengthen capacity and transfer knowledge to local and national implementing partners.

Covid-19 Resilience

With the global effects of the pandemic, Afrisda, Inc. is increasingly supporting African national organizations and their communities who need to build a COVID-19 recovery and resilience plan.

Meet Our Advisors

Our talent pool of development professionals is packed with exceptional experience and knowledge of the African landscape.

Our Partners