What does International Women’s Day mean to you? Few thoughts from Afrisda, Inc. incredible advisors, who believe in empowering women and girls across Africa and who strive to make a difference.

“Happy international women’s day to our grand mothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters. All the WOMEN of the world. On this IWD, we are called to celebrate the contributions of women in all sectors. It is also time to push the reflection, raise our voices and continue to fight for our rights, because despite some of the achievements, women are still fighting for recognition, equity and equality; although no one can deny that women are the soul of the earth. As the saying goes: “Behind every great man is a great woman (Elinor Roosevelt)”. It may be true, but for me, it should be: “Behind every STRONG and POWERFUL WOMAN, there is a man”. Women are the driving force, but they are still crying out to be heard and seen. We, at Afrisda Inc., stand for Women and Girls’ rights at all levels, and we urge men to be more engaged, walk the talk to give FEMALES the place they truly and rightfully deserve in society for the world to be a better place.”
Rosine Assamoi (Afrisda Co-founder)
“It means a celebration of women in all the diversity, recognizing achievements, and challenging inequality at all levels of society. It is about awareness and call to action on the challenges faced globally by women and involving various stakeholders including men to take a stand for equality.”
Tambudzai Muzenda (2020 Desmond Tutu Reconciliation Fellowship winner)

“En mi opinion el 8 de marzo, representa el tributo al trabajo histórico del hogar, aquel mal llamado doméstico que contribuye a la construcción y cohesión social, a la multitarea, a la eficiencia en tiempo y recursos con dignidad, en sociedad, a la innovación social. Tantas veces escondido que hicieron, hacen y harán todas las mujeres, de cualquier raza, credo o visión, sólo por una razón: el progreso de una sociedad de bien común, con respeto a la diversidad y a la dignidad, con humanidad, buena fe y reciprocidad. Seguiré luchando codo a codo con mis congéneres, colaborando con cada hombre ecofeminista, construyendo juntos una sociedad de derechos reales y por el bien común, sin guerra ni lucha de poder. No pararemos, porque defendemos la libertad y los derechos de todas las personas, hasta que estén representadas a todos los niveles, porque su presencia será la demostracion de su acceso y una sociedad en donde las personas estén en el centro.’’
Gaby Cabrera-Serra

‘’Journée internationale de la femme et plus précisément la journée pour les droits des femmes est pour moi un moment pour jeter un regard sur le chemin parcouru par les femmes dans la société, surtout quant à leur position sociale, économique et politique, faire ressortir surtout les inégalités qui existent toujours, sensibiliser les autorités sur l’importance de booster les femmes afin qu’elles parviennent aux instances de prises de décision, faire comprendre aux femmes que leur position de faiblesse et de vulnérabilité n’est pas une fatalité. il nous faut croire en nous et lutter pour accéder pleinement à nos droits. rompons avec le folklore et faisons avancer notre sort par des actions concrètes pour obtenir des avancées durables’’
Rabi Hagne
‘’International Women’s day is a day where the female gender is recognized for their tireless contributions to humanity, motherhood, and in all aspects of socioeconomic development. Quite often, women put other people first- children, spouses, friends, in-laws. Not because of financial gains but out of love. Women’s is a day to appreciate their selfless love.’’
Annet Kyarimpa

‘’It is the day of appreciating what women have done and have been doing as part of empowerment. This is very important day because for so many years women have left behind. It is also used as a reminder to ensure there is gender mainstreaming and a day to remind each one to take part in breaking gender stereotype’’
Dr. Cecilia Makafu

3 replies on “March 8th: International Women’s Day!”
Good article. I will be facing some of these issues as well.. Risa Archaimbaud Lattimer
Incredible points. Solid arguments. Keep up the amazing work. Clarine Duky Esmeralda
Whats up very cool web site!! Man .. Excellent .. Amazing .. Aundrea Borg Damales